Thursday, 3 October 2013

The Complete Beginner's Guide to Wedding Seat Covers

You've chosen your venue, found the perfect dress, sampled plenty of cake, and agreed on a guest list. There's only one thing for it: you have to turn your attention to the décor for your venue.

One aspect you may not have considered yet (because you can't think of everything, right?) is your wedding seat covers – essential for an elegant finishing touch. So, just for you, here's a beginner's guide to choosing wedding seat covers for your big day:

Vintage Style
To create the perfect vintage theme, choose cool blue (think Wedgewood china), or opt for simple ivory colours. Incorporating some lace into your chair sashes can help create that perfect vintage atmosphere.

1920s + 30s Glam
To introduce a touch of Hollywood glam to your big day, think contrast. Opting for black chairs is a bold, striking move, which is becoming increasingly fashionable for weddings, exuding style and timeless sophistication.

Golden Wonder
If your reception is taking place in an unusual venue, such as a museum, art gallery, or a boutique hotel, choose opulent golden sashes to create an atmosphere of warmth and luxury. It's also an optimistic colour – after all, gold is the colour for your 50th wedding anniversary!

Seasonal Inspiration
Be inspired by the season of your wedding. Choosing mellow yellow for the summer brings the sunshine indoors, whereas rustic reds and oranges work perfectly for your autumnal wedding day. A white and blue theme brings to mind wintry icicles, and fresh greens work perfectly on a spring day.

Romantic Red
This vibrant, romantic colour is perfect for weddings, no matter what the season. Red is the colour of love and this will demonstrate to your guests that this day, for you, is about passion and the power of love. Scorchio!

Whatever theme you choose for your big day, remember that choosing the right colour for your wedding seat covers can help create the perfect atmosphere.
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